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Image by Alexa Williams

Hi, I'm Brooke.  This is my story...

I started Interview Ally because I understand how challenging and stressful job searching can be.  I lost a job during the 2009 recession, and it instantly upended my life.  I felt defeated, overwhelmed, and uncertain about my future. 


I came home the same day I was laid off, opened my laptop, and started looking for employment. From that moment on, I spent countless hours applying to jobs while riding a steady wave of disappointment. I was disheartened that my efforts were not paying off.  Hiring managers were not responding to my resume; invitations to interview were sparce; and if I was fortunate to get interviews, the offers were not showing up.


Job hunting in the middle of a recession was very challenging. How could I stand out in a market that was inundated with job seekers just like me?  I had solid experience and skills, but no one was knocking on the door. I felt a range of emotions: uncertainty for my future (would I find a job again?); defeated because I was not getting calls (what was I doing wrong?); and self-doubt (I don't measure up). 


After 8 months of tirelessly searching for work, I landed a dream job as an Executive Director of a local non-profit, working for a cause I championed. That job eventually led to other opportunities that supported my professional development. Most recently, I served as an Executive Recruiter where I sourced and interviewed senior/executive level candidates for leadership positions. 


Fast-forward to today, and I am now founder of Interview Ally. I am passionate about leveraging my personal and professional experience to support those who are currently seeking a new position or aspiring to a new job or career I work with candidates to help them appreciate their value and then apply that to their desired job. Finally, I am here to provide encouragement and assurance that they are not alone in their journey.


Wherever you are in your career path - whether you have lost a job, are changing careers, or reentering the workforce - I am here to be your ALLY. 

Where can you find me outside of work?


  • Spending time with my husband and son

  • Shuttling said son to and from soccer practices and games

  • Connecting with friends and family

  • Crocheting, exercising, reading, and...

  • Enjoying delicious Diet Cokes from McD's. :)

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